10 common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease


Often, it’s a caring family member or a vigilant friend who first notices subtle changes in a person, even when the individual experiencing symptoms may not recognise these changes themselves.


Memory Loss

Short-term memory loss, particularly of words and recent events, is often the earliest indicator. Everyday moments can slip from memory’s grasp.


Repetitive Speech and Vagueness

Challenges with speech, writing, or comprehension can manifest as repeatedly saying the same thing or a general vagueness in conversation.


Cognitive Impairments

Changes in the ability to plan, solve problems, think logically, and organise daily tasks become apparent.


Slowed Routine Tasks

Simple, everyday duties may take longer to complete, and individuals might encounter difficulty in accomplishing routine tasks.


Confusion and Disorientation

Increasing confusion about times, places, and people often sets in. The world becomes a perplexing puzzle.


Visual Perception Issues

Understanding what is being looked at, including objects, people, distances, and depth in surroundings, may become challenging.


Misplacement of Items

Items are frequently misplaced, and retracing steps to find them becomes a daunting task.


Judgment Impairment

A reduction in judgment or decision-making abilities can become noticeable, leading to choices that may not align with past behaviours.


Motivation and Initiative

Problems in motivation and initiating tasks often lead to withdrawal from work or social activities.


Mood and Personality Changes

Alterations in mood and personality may be observed, with shifts in behaviour that are out of character.



10 common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease


Often, it’s a caring family member or a vigilant friend who first notices subtle changes in a person, even when the individual experiencing symptoms may not recognise these changes themselves.


Memory Loss

Short-term memory loss, particularly of words and recent events, is often the earliest indicator. Everyday moments can slip from memory’s grasp.


Repetitive Speech and Vagueness

Challenges with speech, writing, or comprehension can manifest as repeatedly saying the same thing or a general vagueness in conversation.


Cognitive Impairments

Changes in the ability to plan, solve problems, think logically, and organise daily tasks become apparent.


Slowed Routine Tasks

Simple, everyday duties may take longer to complete, and individuals might encounter difficulty in accomplishing routine tasks.


Confusion and Disorientation

Increasing confusion about times, places, and people often sets in. The world becomes a perplexing puzzle.


Visual Perception Issues

Understanding what is being looked at, including objects, people, distances, and depth in surroundings, may become challenging.


Misplacement of Items

Items are frequently misplaced, and retracing steps to find them becomes a daunting task.


Judgment Impairment

A reduction in judgment or decision-making abilities can become noticeable, leading to choices that may not align with past behaviours.


Motivation and Initiative

Problems in motivation and initiating tasks often lead to withdrawal from work or social activities.


Mood and Personality Changes

Alterations in mood and personality may be observed, with shifts in behaviour that are out of character.

A person’s abilities can fluctuate, sometimes varying from day to day or even within the same day.

Our research is the driving force behind proactive prevention measures and collaborative global efforts to develop innovative treatments that significantly enhance the lives of those affected by Alzheimer’s.

Together, we are working to change the trajectory of this challenging disease. Join us on this journey. Together, we can make a difference.