Janssen 64042056ALZ2001 (Phase 2b)
About the trial
WA only
JNJ-64042056 is a novel liposomal active immunotherapy/vaccine that aims to stimulate an individual’s immune system to produce antibodies against specific species of phosphorylated Tau (p-tau). The aim of this study is to slow the accumulation of p-tau in the brain consequently slowing progression to cognitive impairment in a cognitively unimpaired cohort at risk of the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
Who can be involved:
- Male or female, aged 55 – 75 years inclusive
- Must not be diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s disease
- Preclinical Alzheimer’s disease confirmed by elevated brain tau pathology as seen on screening PET and collection of blood biomarkers (p-tau)
- Has an identified, reliable, study partner
What is involved:
- Visits: Baseline, Week 8, Week 24 then every 6 months
- 5 years trial duration total
- Intramuscular injection at Baseline, Week 8, Week 24 and then every 6 months
- Must be able to tolerate MRI and PET scans
- 50% chance of receiving placebo
Additional info:
For further information please contact Paula Mather, Clinical Trial Coordinator on Ph: 08 9389 6433 or Email: aarfctd@alzheimersresearch.org.au
* Please note that participants in this study may have a chance of being placed on a placebo medication